Cal-Adapt is evolving substantially, expanding beyond its current capabilities to support California’s Fifth Climate Change Assessment (Fifth Assessment) and offer a more comprehensive and powerful solution for highly technical and data-intensive needs, with a focus on the energy sector. The expanded Cal-Adapt enterprise will include:
- A powerful data platform and Cal-Adapt Analytics Engine
- A revamped suite of web tools, analytical tools and computational resources for working with the next generation climate data
- A new Historical Observations data platform
The expanded Cal-Adapt enterprise will continue to provide essential visualization, analytical and computational resources to support a broad range of stakeholders in using large climate datasets to inform their decision-making and planning processes. For additional details on state agency vision and roles in this expanded enterprise, please see this CEC Staff memo.

Support for the Fifth Assessment
Work on the Fifth Assessment is currently underway. Building on the strong scientific foundation set by previous assessments, the Fifth Assessment will be critical for understanding key climate impacts and adaptation issues across many fields, resulting in regional, topical, and statewide synthesis reports for decision makers.
The California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) is leading implementation of the Fifth Assessment in partnership with the California Energy Commission, California Natural Resources Agency, and California Strategic Growth Council.
Data access
Preliminary climate data to be considered for the Fifth Assessment are available for California. This data is aligned with the next generation climate models from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). These data have been downscaled to include higher spatial resolution for California (3 km x 3 km grid) and to offer higher temporal resolution and a broader spatial domain for some datasets. Learn more about accessing the data.
New Cal-Adapt data download tool
The Cal-Adapt team is developing a new interactive web tool for downloading Fifth Assessment data and is looking for users to beta test it. If you are interested in helping to shape its development, please get in touch with the Cal-Adapt support team at