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Frequently asked questions about Cal-Adapt's tools and data.
Can I get data for my specific project area?
Can I make suggestions for additional data?
How are NetCDF files structured?
How can I download boundary layers?
How can I download data from Cal-Adapt?
How can I get help?
How can I learn more about climate change and climate data?
How can I provide feedback?
How do I cite Cal-Adapt?
How do I report an error?
How do I use the API to get data?
How do I work with variability in climate change projections?
How do you decide what tool to build?
How often is Cal-Adapt updated?
What baseline time period should I use to compare future climate projections?
What climate models should I use in my analysis? What are the priority models?
What time period should I select for my analysis?
What tool should I use?
What web browsers are supported?
Where does Cal-Adapt’s data come from?
Which RCP (emissions) scenarios should I use in my analysis?
Who is Cal-Adapt’s audience?
Why do Cal-Adapt tools default to certain time periods?
Why does Cal-Adapt show data only for California?
Why does the wildfire tool not show data for my location?
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